The Top 10 Podcasts for Women's Health

 We want to surround ourselves with ongoing inspiration, motivation, and knowledge that will enable us to lead the healthy lifestyle we desire when it comes to getting well. Listening to the top health and fitness podcasts is a great way to surround yourself with fantastic knowledge and motivation.

I have listened to a LOT of different health podcasts as a podcast aficionado who is also concerned with her family's and her own health and wellness. But the podcasts on this list are the greatest ones available for women's health.

This list includes podcasts that cover all facets of health, from physical wellbeing to mental health, because being healthy involves much more than just eating the proper foods and exercising enough. To feel better in your body and soul, there are several health podcasts accessible.

Let's start now!


One of the top health podcasts for women is without a doubt The Food Psych Podcast. This podcast is for you if you want to mend your relationship with food, feel good about yourself, and achieve true health and wellness.

The host is a no-nonsense registered dietitian named Christy Harrison who advocates intuitive nutrition and wellness at every size, two ideologies that advance both physical and mental welfare.

This podcast speaks to my soul as someone who has battled fluctuating weight and a troubled relationship with food. I've been binge-watching every episode, and I haven't listened to a single one that didn't completely rock my world. Listen to it and let me know your thoughts.

Her most recent book, Anti-Diet, is just astounding. One of the best books I've ever read for wellness and health.

Excellent for: Eliminating diet culture, developing a healthy outlook, and learning to pay attention to your body.


The amazing Corinne Crabtree, who lost over 100 pounds 14 years ago and has kept it off, hosts the wellness podcast Losing 100lbs.

Corrine, a licensed life and health coach, has a very unique stance when it comes to weight loss. She focuses on addressing the emotional and psychological causes of overeating and weight gain rather than providing a ton of food guidelines and a specific "diet." She emphasizes clearing your thoughts and implementing long-lasting improvements.


The goal of this podcast is to educate and motivate listeners to utilize food to cure their bodies. The host, Dr. Mark Hyman, thinks that healthy foods will heal our sick society. The program features interviews with top medical experts and debates on current research.

Since I completed Dr. Hyman's 10-Day Detox program and genuinely felt the best I've ever felt in my life, I've been a tremendous fan of his work. Mark Hyman always comes with the evidence (backs everything up with research), and while I am usually leery of quacks (*cough* Dr. Oz), he always comes across as quite fair-minded and logical.

His book Food: What the Heck Should I Eat? is another one I enjoy. because it is a great resource for food and all the things that years of study have taught us.

Excellent for understanding the science of nutrition and learning vital nutritional information.


The 10% Happier Podcast aims to address the query, "Can you be an ambitious person and still strive for enlightenment (whatever that means)?" through conversations with a wide range of fascinating individuals.

Dan Harris, a journalist and self-described "fidgety skeptic," is the host of the podcast. After experiencing an on-air panic attack, Harris began to meditate and research "enlightenment."

The guests are intriguing and varied, and Harris is a superb interviewer.

Great for: Getting inspiration to experience more mental and emotional serenity and "enlightenment."


Although Science Vs. isn't really a "health" podcast, per per, they examine some of the largest health fads and problems now in existence, such as fasting diets, keto, and detoxes and cleanses, and compare them to the research. And let's face it—a lot of diet culture has very little scientific foundation.

Both fascinating and hilarious, it is. At the gym, I'll be listening and burst into laughter. The show is painstakingly researched and brilliantly produced, and its Australian host, Wendy Zukerman, is absolutely entertaining. Listen to it and yourself at the same time!

(You may begin with the episodes about health that are listed above.)

gaining sound scientific knowledge regarding accepted wisdom and health fads—while also being thoroughly entertained.


The Wellness Mama is a podcast on natural living that discusses a range of health issues, including toxins, food, stress, sleep, and fitness. The host, Katie Wells, a well-known health blogger, provides you with concrete suggestions for enhancing your family's health through interviews with professionals.

It's wonderful for: obtaining knowledge that can assist you in making decisions for your family that are better informed.


I first learned about the host, Shawn Stevenson, through his outstanding book Sleep Smarter, which greatly enhanced my sleep (a miracle for any mom of small kids). So I started to listen to The Model Health Show when I learned he had a health and fitness podcast.

You will leave the program with the knowledge necessary to lead a better lifestyle after listening to interviews with top experts.

It's perfect for: gaining a comprehensive understanding of fitness, diet, and health.


A wonderful technique for enhancing your outlook, finding tranquility, and enhancing your mental health is reciting affirmations. You'll find that listening to the Affirmations Pod is really calming, in addition to receiving wonderful affirmations that you can repeat. Josie Ong, the host, has a voice that is remarkably relaxing.

When I listen, it instantly calms me down several notches, which is something I frequently experience when I'm feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

Finding tranquility, relaxation, and potent affirmations are all great uses for it.


Whether it's through more focused exercise or mindful eating, mindfulness is a potent tool for enhancing overall health. And in her calm, compassionate approach, host Rachael Cable offers incredibly basic and straightforward methods to cultivate mindfulness in her show The Mindful Kind.

Short, serene episodes offer helpful advice on how to lead a more thoughtful existence. Take a listen!

Excellent for: Increasing calm and mindfulness.


There you have it, then! The top podcast for knowledge and inspiration to enhance your physical and mental well-being. Select a few, download a few episodes, and start listening as you go about your day.

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