12 Tips For Staying Healthy While Working at a Desk

Full-time desk work can be very exhausting, and Fridays may occasionally seem so far away.

It can be physically and mentally draining to work at a desk for eight hours a day, especially if you're staring at the same cubicle walls all the time and using a computer.

12 Healthy Lifestyle Tips For Office Workers

In this article, I'll cover 12 suggestions for staying healthy while working a desk job to help you stay motivated and prevent burnout.

These are standard workplace wellness suggestions, but they can also be used if you work from home.

1. Posture

Maintaining proper posture is essential to keeping your body pain-free, especially if you spend eight hours a day at a desk.

Future neck, shoulder, and back pain as well as problems with your spine's alignment might result from poor posture.

Personally, I've developed back and neck ache from slouching over my desk at work all the time like a turtle. I can't emphasize enough how crucial it is to sit correctly after experiencing this persistent pain.

Here are some suggestions for how to organize your workspace to prevent bad posture and hunching over your desk.

Use An Ergonomic Chair

Using an ergonomic chair while working at a desk is one approach to maintain your health.

Sitting incorrectly in your chair, in one that is too big or tiny for you, or in one that is badly constructed will all have a negative impact on your posture.

To find an ergonomic chair that fits your size, try speaking with the HR department or manager at your workplace. It may spare you from having to endure years of discomfort and physiotherapy treatments.

If you can avoid it now, you won't have to cope with the anguish later when it does happen.

Lower Back Support

A lower back support ergonomic cushion is a fantastic addition to your workspace.

A lumbar support cushion can significantly improve the comfort of prolonged sitting.

Overall, you'll experience reduced back ache in your neck and back.

Properly Adjusted Monitor

Not only should you utilize an ergonomic chair, but you should also pair it with a display that is correctly positioned at eye level.

A monitor stand made of acrylic is something I strongly advise. It gives any work station such a classy touch.

You'll need to find something to lift the monitor if you discover that your neck is getting sore from gazing down so much. Be on the lookout for monitors that can be adjusted in height.

2. Keep Active

When you're forced to spend the most of the day sitting down, it's imperative to stay active.

If you don't routinely exercise, being inactive will age your body much more quickly, and you'll feel more lazy, uninspired, and lethargic.

Here are some ideas for how to stay active all day long.

Get Up Every Hour

A fantastic approach to stay active throughout the day is to stand up once per hour and walk around for a while.

Every hour, I like to stand up and take a few laps around the office to get some fresh air.

You can stroll over to the office kitchen to periodically refill your cup if you like to drink tea or coffee.


Stretching every few hours is a wonderful technique to keep your body active while working in addition to moving around the workplace.

Stretch your arms, back, and neck to lengthen and engage the muscles that aren't engaged when you sit at your desk all day.

Here are eight quick stretches you may perform quietly at your desk without drawing the ire of your coworkers.

Eye Massages

It's always a good idea to take periodic eye rests by occasionally concentrating on distant objects if you're gazing at your computer all day to help prevent eye strain.

Self-massage of the eyes every few hours is another fantastic method of reducing eye strain.

Adjustable Standing Desk

If your workplace has height-adjustable standing desks, using one of these will enable you to work at your desk less sedentarily.

Simply slide it up when you need a break from sitting!

This isn't how I prefer to work, but if you're productive, comfortable, and able to concentrate while standing up, it's a terrific choice.

Walk To Work

If you don't live too far from your place of employment, walking or bicycling to work is a terrific method to be active and exercise while working a desk job.

Of course, this wouldn't be an option if you had a long journey to work by bus or vehicle.

If you opt to drive or take public transportation to work, you can still make decisions to up your physical activity.

Consider parking a little further away from the office and making the short walk to the building rather than using the elevator to get to your office.

3. Make Friends

Making friends at your workplace is essential if you want to maintain your sanity at work.

The day goes by so much faster and working every day is much more enjoyable when you have a few coworkers by your side.

When you need to rant about work, it's good to have a support system that completely gets where you're coming from and exactly how you feel.

Helping those in need, striking up discussions in the lunchroom, participating in business social events, and joining volunteer groups are a few methods to meet new acquaintances at work.

It might require a bit more action on your behalf if you're more reticent, but you'll be pleased you did.

4. Take Your Breaks

Recharging is necessary for your mental health, especially if you spend the entire day in a cubicle.

Planning time for a proper lunch break and other short breaks throughout the day will help you stay refreshed while at the office.

Lunch Break

Walking outside during lunch is a great technique to help you refuel halfway through the day.

It's a good idea to leave the office for lunch because it helps divide the day into two halves. Additionally, it offers a welcome change of pace and places you in a new setting.

If your lunch break is long enough, you may even be able to do some errands or squeeze in a brief workout at the neighboring gym.

It's a productive way to save time, giving you more time after work to do other things and supplying you with the happy endorphins you need to get through the afternoon.

Morning & Afternoon Breaks

Don't forget to take breaks in the morning and the afternoon.

Consider taking a stroll to the cafe for a cup of coffee or tea during your morning break. Time moves considerably more quickly when the morning is divided in two.

If you are prone to the dreaded afternoon slump, taking a break during the day can be beneficial.

5. Eat Healthily

Eating well while at work is another crucial task. This is particularly true if you spend the most of your day at a desk because there isn't much physical movement involved.

Even while fast food options may be very accessible and convenient depending on where you work, try not to be lazy and go for them.

I strongly suggest meal planning and food preparation on the weekends to save time and make sure you pack nutritious lunches to work.

By meal planning, you can avoid worrying about what to eat when you're working long hours or about what to serve for dinner every night.

Sunday is the day I set aside for dinner preparation and weekday preparation.

Monday through Thursday, I usually bring a nutritious lunch, and on Fridays, I treat myself by going out to eat with coworkers or by myself.

It's a terrific method to keep an eye on your diet while also saving money and scheduling social time with your coworkers. triple victory

I suggest looking at the Eat At Home Meal Plans if you want to make affordable but healthy meals but you're not excellent in the kitchen or just the notion of having to plan your meals stresses you out.

The great thing is that you may mix and match according to your needs and preferences. This meal plan membership gives you access to ALL 4 of the following individual meal plans.

1. Traditional – This menu contains a range of meats and vegetables, as well as the odd vegetarian meal, and it is family-friendly.

2. Whole Food Plant Based – Natural foods, such as whole grains, legumes, nuts, and fruits are given more priority in this regimen. No fish, milk, cheese, meat, or eggs!

3. Slow Cooker/Instant Pot –  The meals in this plan contain many Instant Pot dishes as well as slow cooker ones. (As an added benefit, it includes a week's worth of meals that can be prepared in advance and frozen for quick preparation.)

4. No Flour, No Sugar – Easy-to-make meals with whole-food protein and vegetables are part of this regimen; no wheat or artificial sweeteners are used.

The Eat At Home Meal Plans also include the following wonderful benefits:
  • The beginning of the month is when the meal plans are given out, giving you plenty of time to prepare and cut down on shopping excursions.
  • 15-minute meals for days when you're really busy
  • Color-coded lists make it easy to replace individual items or entire meals as needed.
  • Easy culinary recipes that are printable.
  • Printable meals are ideal for placing near your calendar or on your refrigerator for convenient access.
These will save you time by eliminating the need to spend a lot of time deciding what to prepare at home and will help you stay motivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Without a doubt, look!

6. Listen To Music

Listening to music at your workplace is a terrific way to keep focused and upbeat while working.

It can definitely aid in maintaining your concentration on the subject at hand, particularly if the office noise level starts to increase.

Of course, make careful to first confirm that your place of employment permits it. Also, you should avoid this if your work requires concentration.

7. Clean Your Desk

You know how having a cluttered room makes you feel more lethargic and unproductive?

This also applies to your workstation at work.

Create a priority out of cleaning your desk to combat this. Find some time during the day to do it, whether it's at the beginning or conclusion of the workday or just whenever you have a few minutes to spare.

You'll feel much more focused and prepared to work after completing this easy activity.

Because a tidy desk will prevent you from feeling overrun by clutter, put stray papers, notebooks, pencils, books, and garbage where they go.

8. Decorate Your Desk & Cubicle

Given how much time you spend at your desk, it is only fair that it should make you feel comfortable.

Placing items up that give your workspace a sense of personality is one of my favorite suggestions for people who spend their days at a desk.

Wall Art & Pictures

Installing wall art that you like and images of your loved ones and your life outside of work are fantastic ways to personalize your desk and cubicle and make your workplace feel a little bit more like home.

Regrettably, it won't make the time fly by any faster. Don't we all hope it does? But if you surround yourself with things you like to look at and appreciate, you'll be happier.

Given that you spend the majority of your waking hours at work, why not create a joyful atmosphere there?

Don't be embarrassed to hang a photo of your dog or family members if doing so makes you happy on the cubicle wall.

Office Supplies

Using adorable office products that make you smile is an easy way to make your workspace more vibrant and active.

Use these items to personalize your desk and improve your attitude at the same time!

9. Keep Organized

Staying organized is a wonderful method to stay motivated at work if you're overworked.

Avoid feeling pressured by upcoming deadlines and incomplete assignments.

Use A Planner

Planning your day every morning is a simple approach to stay organized.

I definitely recommend taking a look at the Day Designer Flagship Daily Planner if you're searching for a reliable planner to help you organize your hectic days, feel less nervous, and be more productive at work.

This planner specifically assists you in living an intentional and meaningful life, which is what The Day Designer was created with in mind for women.

You can choose from a range of lovely, feminine patterns and sizes to help you organize your week and strike the proper balance in your life, whether you're a working mom or an entrepreneur.

Use A Wall Calendar

You can also use a calendar pad that you keep on your desk or a wall calendar if you like to have everything visually displayed for you.

Keep A Work Log Book

Keeping a daily or weekly work record of your accomplishments and the projects you've participated in is another excellent approach to stay organized.

With this log book, you may keep track of everything you've completed so far in your job and identify any future objectives and competencies you'll need to develop to further your career.

When you're looking for a new job and getting ready for an interview, it's also an excellent lesson to remember.

10.  Use Your Commute Time Wisely

Do you ever feel as though you have no free time since working during the week consumes all of your time?

If you commute to and from your 9 to 5 job for several hours each week, it takes up a significant portion of your day.

There's a good chance that all you're doing during that period is driving or sitting in a bus or train.

Because it all adds up, make the most of your travel time to avoid wasting those valuable daytime hours.

Instead of listening to music when you're driving and caught in traffic, catch up on the news on AM radio to learn more about the world.

Try reading a book, studying if you attend to part-time school, or listening to an audiobook if you commute by public transportation.

If you've never listened to audiobooks and you want to read more this year, I highly recommend checking out Audible for yourself. If you use my link, you'll get 1 FREE audiobook.

Do something that advances your objectives and inspires you to achieve more because we all have the same number of weekly hours available to us.

Need suggestions for books that will change your life? See my post on the 10 self-improvement books you should read this year for growth and personal development.

11. Change Your Work Schedule

Check to see if your office can meet your demands if you ever start to feel like you need more flexible work hours for a better work-life balance.

You can discuss the following with HR to see if there are any solutions.

Work From Home

One benefit of the job that may truly make your day better and the workweek go by much more quickly is the ability to telecommute and work from home a few days a week.

Not only will you be able to cut down on the time it takes to commute to work, but you'll also be able to work in the comfort of your own home while saving money on petrol and sleeping in.

Flexible Schedules

Additionally, some organizations provide shorter workweeks and flex time; if this is a possibility at your place of business, take full use of it.

If you can work the hours you want to, it's much more fun, especially if you have to pick up your children from school every day or you simply want to escape rush hour traffic.

The ability to choose a four-day workweek with longer days but one additional day off is also fantastic. It's very nice to have a three-day weekend every week or two.

12. Practice Self-Care

Last but not least, remember to look after yourself when you return home from work.

Utilize that time to unwind, practice meditation, spend time with friends, and refuel so that you'll be ready to rock the office the following day.


I hope these 12 suggestions for staying healthy at a desk job were helpful.

Maintaining your physical and emotional health for many years to come will depend greatly on your surroundings, your support network at work, and your commitment to self-care.

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